Your company can join APLA as:



Annual fee: U$S 3,450.-

  • Petrochemical or Chemical Companies with Headquarters / Subsidiaries and manufacturing facilities located in Latin America.
  Complete here the Form Active Member   Please send the completed and signed form to



Annual fee: U$S 1,800.-

  • Petrochemical or Chemical Companies with production facilities located in non Latin-American countries.
  • Companies related to the Petrochemical or Chemical Industry and service providers.
  • Logistic service providers.
  • Chambers and / or Associations of the Petrochemical and Chemical sector.
  • Scientific, technological and professional Institutions related to the Petrochemical and / or Chemical Industry.
 Complete here the Form Associated Member  Please send the completed and signed form to

Note: The social contribution is valid for a calendar year.
The social contribution bill is issued annually, every February.
If you apply to be a member after February, the first payment shall cover 12 months counting
from the billing date.
The following annual bill shall be issued in February, and it shall include the fee percentage to
complete the calendar year payment.
From then onwards, the following bills shall be issued annually, every February.
The membership bill renews automatically on an annual basis.

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